Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Froggie Style

Dear Lila,

I think you are on the verge of crawling! You're not quite there yet, though. You roll over onto your tummy, push yourself up on all fours and then rock your whole body back and forth. It's a pretty funny sight actually. You look like you're a frog who's stuck in the mud and trying so hard to jump out--and also a little bit like you're humping the air. Haha!


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Do Me A Solid

Dear Lila,

Today was a big day for you! After six straight months of ingesting nothing but breast milk, you got to try something totally different: rice cereal . . . mixed with a lot of breast milk (okay, so not that different). You seemed pretty excited to sample your first solid food. In fact, I initially couldn't even get the first spoonful into your mouth because you kept trying to grab the spoon out of my hand. Once I did get some rice cereal in your mouth, you made a face as if it you didn't like it. But as I fed you more cereal, you gradually changed your mind and then couldn't get enough of it! 

If you're anything like your parents, you are going to *love* eating!
