Monday, September 23, 2013

Super September

Dear Lila,

Wow, I don't know what it is about the month of September but you hit a ton of milestones this month:

September 4: You cut your first tooth (and weren't the slightest bit fussy or cranky about it--amazing!).

(you can see the very top of your first tooth in the above photo)

September 6: You started crawling!

September 8: You began crawling really fast. It's as if you went from zero to 50 in two days!

September 10: You learned how to clap.

September 13: You pulled yourself up to standing. Whoa!

September 16: You waved for the first time.

September 22: You cut your second tooth (still no fussiness--doesn't it hurt or are you really just the world's chillest baby?).

There's one more week left in September--you're not going to start walking, are you?
