Friday, February 28, 2014

Chair Climber

Dear Lila,

Lila, so timid when it comes to walking on her own yet so brave when it comes to climbing on chairs.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

First Steps!

Dear Lila,

You recently learned how to drink from a cup on your own, to rest your head on my shoulder when I ask you for a hug and to tap me when I ask you, "Where's Mama?" And today, you learned how to walk!!! 

Around 7pm, I put you down on our living room floor. You stood on your own and I backed away, squatted and held my arms out toward you. I encouraged you to come to me and you were hesitant but had a big smile on your face when you reached for me, as if you knew how momentous this occasion was. And then you did it! You took seven steps on your own until you fell into my arms! You had such a big grin on your face and looked so proud of yourself. Go, Lila! 


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Here Comes Trouble

Dear Lila,

It's no secret that Daddy and I consider you "the good one" because you are usually quiet and well-behaved and that we consider GuhGaw "the bad one" because he is, well, usually not quiet and not well-behaved. But you've exhibited a few "bad one" behavioral traits recently:

-When Connor wouldn't share a toy with you, you slapped his head
-When you didn't get what you wanted, you threw yourself down on the floor and cried
-You learned how to climb onto the couch by yourself
-You learned how to crawl under the safety gate on the stairs



Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Second Word!

Dear Lila,

You said "mama"!! You were sitting in your high chair eating cottage cheese. I was putting things away in the pantry and you just called out to me, "Mama"! Then after your bath, Daddy was drying you and when I walked into the room, you reached for me and said, "Mama!" Awesome day :)


Friday, February 7, 2014

Single Mom For a Week

Dear Lila,

I did it! I made it through an entire six days on my own with two kids while Daddy was traveling for work. And now if anyone needs me, I will be passed out in my bed for the entire weekend.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

First Word!

Dear Lila,

You said your first word today: Mum-Mum! And no, it wasn't "mum-mum," as in "mommy" but "Mum-Mum," as in your favorite snack cracker. I shouldn't be surprised that your first word is food-related. You still love to eat anything, even all of the crumbs you find on the floor, ugh.
