Thursday, March 27, 2014

15-Month Mark

Dear Lila,

In terms of baby milestones, the 15th-month stage is one of my favorites. The first year is full of sleep deprivation, breast pumps and poop explosions and the two-year-old phase brings on tantrums, whining and straight-up crazy but the 15-month mark is the sweet spot in between those two difficult parenting chapters. At 15 months, you're becoming more independent, starting to understand so much and becoming a really fun, social person. (You're also still growing at an amazing speed and already wearing size 3T clothing!)

This month, you learned how to do so many new things: give me your first kiss, blow kisses, point to your head or nose or stick out your tongue when asked to, wipe your mouth with a napkin, blow your nose, tap your crotch when you pee or poop, hold up your feet when I pick up your shoes and identify objects, such as dinosaurs, in books. You give me a big stretch when I go to you in the morning and say, "Morning stretch!" and are still not walking much on your own but get around by scooting around on your knees. I actually decided to stop breastfeeding you this month, which gives me some freedom back but makes me a little sad, so I love the other ways we can bond, like when you sit in my lap, rest your head on me and call me mama and when you hug me tightly and give me your sweet, wet, little kisses :)


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Attention Hog

Dear Lila,

Connor hurt his leg while playing tonight and started crying, so I held him and comforted him to make him feel better. You saw this and started pretending to cry so that I would soothe you, too. Geez, attention hog much?
