Thursday, October 22, 2015

Miss Kai

Dear Lila,

Your teacher's name is Miss Kaitlyn, but you can't quite say it yet. I asked you about her today and you said back to me, "Miss Kai . . . Miss Kai . . . Miss . . . Say her name [to me] again?" Aww!


Monday, October 19, 2015

Five Words

Dear Lila,

Five-word sentences I do not like to hear:

"The internet is not working."

"It's negative 10 degrees outside."

"There are no more cookies."

"I peed on the floor."

And the one you said to me today: "I don't love you anymore."

It was the first time you said that to me and it happened after I told you to stop playing with DiDi's swing. You glared at me (which you rarely do) and said in a low, slow voice, "I. Don't. Love. You. Anymore."

Ouch. But then five minutes later, all was forgotten and you were talking to and playing with me as usual!


Friday, October 16, 2015

Pick Up Pick-Me-Up

Dear Lila,

Picking you up from school is always one of the best parts of my day. The way a huge grin spreads across your face when you see me walking up to your classroom, how you come running excitedly toward me and into my arms when your teacher calls your name--it instantly cheers me up and makes me feel like the happiest person in the world.


Monday, October 5, 2015

Bedtime Buddies

Dear Lila,

One of your cute Lila-isms is how you try to bring so many things into your bed with you every night. After we finish reading whatever bedtime story you've chosen, you climb into bed with it, along with one or two of your "friends." And when I go into your room to check on you an hour or so later, I invariably find a dozen more books, dolls, stuffed animals and other toys scattered on top, around and even underneath your sleeping body. Oye.

How you'd like to sleep every night if I let you.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Flower (Girl) Power

Dear Lila,

We went to another wedding last night--this time it was my cousin Sarin's and you were one of the flower girls!

I've been to a lot of weddings where the flower girls froze and had to be led/dragged down the aisle by their mothers but this was not one of those weddings. If you were scared, you didn't show it because you walked down the aisle completely by yourself with more than a hundred strangers staring at you and you didn't miss a beat. You did forget to drop the petals on the ground as you walked but otherwise, you were cool and collected as you marched to the alter and then stood still next to the bridesmaids and the other flower girl, none of whom you'd met before. Daddy and I were seated at the back, so you couldn't even see us over all of the other guests, but you were fine up there on your own and we were so proud of you for being such an awesome flower girl.

At the reception, you once again danced up a storm and you and GuhGaw stayed up until we left at midnight!
