Thursday, January 21, 2016

Nighttime Wakings

Dear Lila,

You usually have no problem sleeping through the night (a trait you've had since babyhood) but you woke up screaming twice last night. The first time, you woke up yelling, "I want my stars! I want my stars!" (You have a turtle nightlight and ladybug nightlight that project stars onto your ceiling and they turn themselves off after about half an hour.) The second time, you ran into my room crying frantically, "I can't get back in bed!" Sheesh. Well, why did you get out of bed?


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Let Her Eat Cake

Dear Lila,

We had your (belated) birthday party today at Park City Gymnastics, where you and your friends had fun playing with a giant parachute, chasing balloons and navigating obstacle courses where you had to jump on trampolines, walk across balance beams, climb ropes, somersault on padded mats and slide down a big inflatable slide. Since you were the birthday girl, you also got to put on the "flying belt" and soar through the air. All of these things did not make the biggest impression on you, though. After the party, I asked you what had been your favorite part. You replied, "The cake." When I asked you what had been your second favorite part, you said, "The pizza." Well, it was good cake and pizza!
