Monday, July 25, 2016

Another Stormy Monday

Dear Lila,

Last Monday was when we got stuck at Starbucks during a big thunderstorm. Today, we had another thunderstorm encounter but were way luckier.

When we went out to pick up GuhGaw from camp, the sky was again deceptively sunny, bright and clear. GuhGaw asked if we could play in the park for a little bit but it was too hot (over 90 degrees), so we just went to the supermarket to get some fruit before heading home. When we came out of the store, I noticed that the sky far off in the distance was dark and ominous but it was still sunny where we were. I joked that we better hurry home before we got caught in a storm again. But oh ho, it turned out to be no joke. Halfway home, the sky above us did instantly turn dark and ominous and thunder started booming. It was so loud, it literally sounded as if bombs were exploding all around us and even I got scared. We picked up the pace as fast as we could and you covered your ears, started crying and kept shouting, "I scared!" :-( GuhGaw also covered his ears as we walked/ran and tried to comfort you (and himself) by saying, "We're almost home. We're almost home." DiDi in his stroller, meanwhile, looked confused and didn't know why we were all so distressed.

The sky got darker and darker and the thunder got louder and louder but by the grace of whoever/whatever controls the weather, it didn't start raining until we were all safely in our house. We entered the door at 4:32pm and at 4:34pm, the sky tore open. It was much worse than last week; heavy sheets of rain poured down and the streets turned into streams in a matter of seconds. We would have been drenched instantaneously if we'd been caught in it. Oh my god, we're soooo lucky we weren't!


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Playing Mom

Dear Lila,

DiDi still needs to be held when he naps during the day (he immediately wakes up if I try to put him in his crib) so I was sitting in the dining room and holding him while he napped this afternoon. You came into the room with your Belle doll wrapped in your Anna cape. You pushed a dining room chair near mine next to the window, sat down and cradled and rocked your baby while you looked at her dreamily. You patted her back gently and kissed her head every so often. You even lifted up your shirt and "nursed" her at one point. SO. SWEET!


Monday, July 18, 2016

Stranded at Starbucks

Dear Lila,

After you, DiDi and I picked up GuhGaw from camp this afternoon, we went to the supermarket to pick up a few things and then headed to Starbucks because I was craving their new iced coconut milk machiato. En route, the sky started to darken but I thought we were fine because I'd heard that it wasn't going to rain until the evening. I'd heard wrong. We arrived at Starbucks, picked up my coffee and a bottle of water for you guys, turned to go out the door and oh sweet mama, it was pouring. Like get-soaked-to-the-bone-within-seconds pouring. And we had no umbrellas or rain cover for the stroller because the sun had been shining in a pretty blue sky when we left the house to pick up GuhGaw.

So no biggie, we were just about a 10-minute walk from our house and the rain would let up soon, right? Um, no. We stood under the awning and watched the torrential downpour for 5 minutes, then 10, then 15. You and GuhGaw amused yourselves by running around a pole and getting wet every time you ran out from under the awning. We'd arrived at Starbucks at 5pm and soon it was almost 5:30pm. If we'd left then, I'd still have to bathe all three of you and myself and cook dinner and feed you dinner, which meant you'd probably go to bed at like 10pm (your regular bedtime is 7). But we couldn't even leave then, because the sky was still leaking like crazy, so I decided that we would have dinner at Starbucks.

GuhGaw was so confused when I told him. "We have to eat dinner here?!" "Yes, we can't go home because it's still raining." "Are we going to have to sleep here, too?!" Thankfully, no, and thankfully, if you're going to be stranded somewhere during a thunderstorm with three small children, Starbucks is definitely not the worst place to be. We sat down at a table and GuhGaw and you played with his Pokemon cards--and kept inching closer to the guy at the neighboring table so that you could look at his laptop screen until you were literally looking over his shoulder and I had to say, "Oh my god, you guys, get away!" (Fortunately, he was understanding and smiled.) I ordered egg and sausage sandwiches for us and bought a pureed fruit pouch for DiDi and we actually had a pleasant coffeehouse meal. You, GuhGaw and DiDi really impressed me with how patient and well-behaved you were, considering we didn't have much to do to stay entertained.

By 6pm, it was still raining but it had lightened up a little, the sun was coming out and I was getting antsy, so I decided that we would make a run for it. We all got wet but we made it home safely and 10 minutes after doing so, it stopped raining and the sun started shining brightly. Seriously?


Friday, July 8, 2016


Dear Lila,

When I was putting you to bed tonight, you gave me a big hug and told me, "You my best friend." Doesn't get much better than that :-)
