Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hallway Sighting

Dear Lila,

Your and GuhGaw's classrooms at school are both on the first floor and you two finally saw each other in the hallway today when you both had to go to the bathroom at the same time. You told me that you guys hugged each other when you saw each other and when your teacher asked you what your brother's name is, you said, "My brother's name is GuhGaw." Hehehe :-)


Monday, September 12, 2016


Dear Lila,

So this happened today:

In case you can't tell, you're holding a mini fan and your hair is all tangled up in it. (And from the smile on your face, this situation obviously does not bother you.) "Lila! Why did you put the fan in your hair?!" "I don't know." After several exasperated minutes of trying to untangle your locks from the blades, it was clear that it was a lost cause and the scissors had to be brought in. Good lord.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

First Day of Pre-K!

Dear Lila,

Here are some words to describe you right now:

Super Helpful: When DiDi dropped a bunch of Cheerios on the floor, you picked them up without anyone even asking you to. And when I was putting sunblock on him one time, you helped me rub it into his skin, again totally unprompted.

Super Sweet: I sometimes tell you that I love you to the moon and back. You sometimes tell me, "I love you to the moon and to the sun and to the back." And then you point to your back, hahaha!

Super Cute Speaker: You say things like "restanaut" (restaurant), "amial" (animal), "leyow" (yellow) and "I can't fork it" (when you couldn't spear a piece of food with your fork and pick it up).

Super Slow Eater: You used to be a quick eater like GuhGaw but now you eat so slowly, it is seriously painful to watch you sometimes. We had fried rice once and you literally ate it grain by grain. Are you just trying to reeeeeally savor your food? Oh my god, and your milk! It takes your more than an hour to drink a small cup of milk sometimes! When we're in a hurry, I put two chocolate chips in the bottom of your milk cup to get you to drink faster (it works!). I am not looking forward to rushing you through breakfast every morning so that we can leave for school.

And speaking of school, you are also now a Super Awesome Pre-Kindergartener! You started pre-k today! You were actually very very lucky to get a spot at GuhGaw's school--there are only 18 spots in the pre-k class and dozens of kids applied for them. There was a big chance you wouldn't get in but you did, yay! And even though you are at a brand new school with a brand new teacher and brand new classmates whom you never met before, you handled your first day like a boss. There was no fear, anxiety or panic (or if there was, you didn't let it show). You walked into the classroom, explored all of the different areas and participated in circle time as if you'd already been in the class for months. Funnily enough, DiDi was also quite at home in your classroom and also walked around and explored the room as if he owned the place. The cutest moment? When you went to the front of the room for circle time, DiDi didn't want to be left behind so he walked right over to you and hugged you tightly.

I am sad that you'll now be in school all day and I won't get to see you as much, but I am really excited about all of the great things you're going to learn this year!
