Monday, August 21, 2017

Sweet Gesture

Dear Lila,

You love chocolate but you love your little brother more! Daddy and I brought home some chocolates from a dinner we went to on Saturday and there were three more pieces left today so I gave two to you and one to DiDi. He quickly ate his and reached for one of yours. You initially pulled it out of his reach but then you hesitated, picked it up and handed it to him. Sweetie, that was so generous and kind! I know what a sweet tooth you have and I know how much you must have wanted that chocolate for yourself, so I am so proud of your thoughtfulness!


Friday, August 11, 2017

Tall Order

Dear Lila,

You and GuhGaw had your annual checkups today and you are in the 97th percentile for weight (51 pounds, 9 ounces) and the 99th percentile for height (3 feet, 9.5 inches). Actually, the doctor had to put down that your height is in the 99th percentile but you are in fact off the chart because you are so tall for your age! And your doctor said that if you continue to grow at the rate you've been growing, you will be 5'10" as an adult. I'm only 5'2" -- you are going to tower over me!


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Camped Out

Dear Lila,

One of the best things about your summer camp in Long Island was that it kept you busy. And I mean seriously busy. A 7-hour camp day could include music, tennis, instructional swim, free swim, computers AND arts & crafts. You got to experience so much and you really enjoyed it, but it was a lot to pack into one day. Daddy and I visited you on the camp's visiting day and we got tired just walking from activity to activity with you!

So I understood why you were so worn out this morning that you couldn't even get yourself out of bed. Today was actually supposed to be your last day at camp but you said you were so tired--and you looked so tired--so I let you stay home and you were more than happy to do so. You start dance camp next week but that will be an easy breezy 4-hour day (which includes lunch time), so I think that will be more your pace!
