Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Stepping Up

Dear Lila,

Look who graduated from kindergarten today!

I am incredibly proud of you, Lilabear! You have learned and grown so much this past year and I am impressed by everything that you have accomplished! You are smart, insightful and hard-working but more importantly, you are known for being kind, generous and helpful to all of your teachers and classmates. I love you so much! First grade, here you come!


Monday, June 18, 2018

On the Nose

Dear Lila,

Yesterday, we were playing in your room when you told me, "Mama! I can write my name with my nose!" Then you proceeded to wave your nose through the air and indeed make out the letters of your name. You are so funny and silly!


Friday, June 8, 2018

Lilabear Hugs

Dear Lila,

When I drop you off at school, I always kiss and hug you and tell you that I love you before you line up with your classmates. Today, you started walking into the building but then ran out of the line to give me one more hug. Your teacher smiled and said, "She wanted one more squeeze!"

Then at night, when you were standing on the step stool next to me in the bathroom and I was about to brush your teeth, you said, "Wait, Mama! Hug!" So we hugged and when I looked in the mirror, I could see your sweet face. Your cheek was pressed right against my chest and you were smiling while squeezing your eyes shut so tightly. Your face was so full of happiness and love and I wanted to burn that image into my brain so that I could always pull it up and feel how wonderful I felt in that moment, when I was holding my little girl in my arms and she was so content just to be hugging her mama.

Thank you, sweetie, for always giving me the best hugs.
