Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Scary Mama

Dear Lila,

Tonight, you were loudly singing a song Sawyer learned in nursery school for Halloween ("Ghosts and goblins, cats and bats, I'm not afraid of this or that. They are only make-believe. Funny costumes on Halloween.") while you walked into my room to look for me. I had actually been in your room, though, and walked toward my room to get you. You happened to come out of my room just as I was about to walk into it, so I startled you and made you scream while you were singing. It was so classic because you sang, ". . . I'm not afraid of--AAAAGHHH!" Hahahaha! You and I laughed so hard, our bellies hurt. You're not afraid of ghosts or goblins, but you are apparently afraid of your mama!


Monday, November 19, 2018

Firsts Lady

Dear Lila,

This past weekend was a big weekend of firsts for you! On Friday, Daddy and I took you to your first concert at Carnegie Hall. On Saturday afternoon, you went to your cousin Julietta's first birthday party. And on Saturday night, you went to your first sleepover!

I had so much fun with you on our very grown-up outing to Manhattan on Friday night! Before the concert, we had dinner at Blue Ribbon Sushi and ate delicious sushi, rock shrimp tempura, fried chicken, ginger bread pudding and chocolate chip mochi. Then it was off the to beautiful Carnegie Hall where we enjoyed a medley of Broadway show tunes performed by the New York Pops (including my favorite, "Seasons of Love" from Rent). You especially liked when ballet dancers came out on stage to dance to several of the songs. It was a pretty long concert--two hours with an intermission--that started after your usual bedtime but you managed to stay awake until the very last song, at which point you laid your head down on my lap. You were exhausted by the time we got home but you said you really liked the show!

The next day, we headed back into Manhattan to celebrate with Julietta. Aunt Sarin had set up a little play area with toys and books and you and DiDi had fun making Little Mermaid characters out of Play-Doh and hitting the balloons around . . . and of course eating birthday cake!

And as if that wasn't enough excitement for one weekend, you slept over your best friend Riley's house on Saturday night. You have never slept away from home so this was a BIG DEAL. In fact, I think I might have been more nervous than you! For the first time ever, I would be sleeping in my bed but you wouldn't be down the hall sleeping in your bed. I wouldn't be able to get up and check on you to make sure you weren't all tangled up in your blanket or laying with your head off of the pillow. It was hard for me to wrap my head around that but I'm glad you were able to have such a fun experience with your friend. I thought you might get scared or cry or want to come home to sleep in your own bed but you were totally fine. Actually, you were a little too fine. You weren't scared or homesick at all. You had a blast playing with Riley, eating home-cooked Korean food, sharing a bed with Riley and staying up late to talk (and you two stayed up really late--Riley's mom said you didn't fall asleep until almost 11pm!). Riley's mom asked if you missed your family and you said no! Well, hmph!

I'm happy you had such a fun, eventful weekend! (And sad you didn't even miss us a little?)
