Thursday, August 29, 2019

Favorite Family Member

Dear Lila,

You: Mommy, who do you love more? Me or DiDi?
Me: I can't answer that.
You: Who do you love more? DiDi or Daddy?
Me: I can't answer that, either.
You: Why not?
Me: Because I love all of you. Who do you love more? Riley or Taeryn?
You: Riley.
Me: Me or Daddy?
You: You.
Me: Me or DiDi?
You: You. See? I can answer all of your questions.

Well played, counselor.


Sunday, August 18, 2019

It's Out!

Dear Lila,

Your front baby tooth had been loose for a long time. And I mean seriously long--it had been wiggling for over a month! I told you to jiggle it with your tongue, I gave you apples and carrot sticks to eat all of the time, I tried brushing it a little harder . . . it was so stubborn and wouldn't come out and you gasped in pain whenever I tried to touch it. Your baby tooth took so long to come out that your permanent tooth actually started growing in behind it; I didn't even know that could happen!

But finally, finally, when I was flossing your teeth tonight, the loose baby tooth popped out right into my hand (and it had a longer-than-usual jagged piece at the bottom, which is why it had been so anchored in your gum). The funniest part? You didn't realize what had happened, not even when you looked in the mirror! You tasted some blood and rinsed your mouth a few times and then looked in the mirror. I was waiting for you to gasp at the finally freed baby tooth but because the permanent tooth is already growing in that space (albeit set back further), you thought that was your baby tooth. You didn't know you had lost your tooth until I opened my hand and you saw it in the middle of my palm!

But whew, it's out and you can finally go back to eating the normal way instead of awkwardly gnawing your food near the sides of your mouth!


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Can I Tell You Something?

Dear Lila,

I don't know why this habit suddenly started but now you often preface your statements to me with, "Can I tell you something?" I have never said no to that and I have already told you multiple times, "You don't have to ask if you can tell me something! Just tell me!" But you keep doing it! And it's driving me crazy! :-P


Monday, August 12, 2019

Dream Girl

Dear Lila,

You have told me that you like to daydream a lot. Sometimes you daydream about your toys coming alive or you think about books/movies you have read/seen but you change some of the characters and plots. I think it's really cute, especially today when you finished reading a book and told me, "Mommy, I'm going to daydream now."

Dream away, little girl.


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Put A Ring On It

Dear Lila,

We had this conversation on the way home from camp today:

You: None of my counselors are married.
Me: How do you know that? Did you ask them?
You: They don't wear weddings rings.
Me: Not everyone who is married wears rings.
You: Then what's the point?

