Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Early Bird

Dear Lila,

When you had to catch the bus to school, I would set your alarm for 6:20am but now that you have online school, you obviously don't have to get up that early. In fact, you don't have to get up early at all. I have told you this multiple times but yet you keep getting up early! You still pop out of bed shortly after 6am even though I no longer set your alarm.

Why? Your teacher posts an attendance question online each morning and students in your class have to answer it in order to be marked present for the day; you pride yourself on getting online even before your teacher and being the first one to answer the attendance question as soon as she posts it. When I spoke to your teacher over the phone for our parent-teacher conference yesterday, we talked about how responsible you are and how you still insist on waking up so early every day. Your teacher laughingly told you that she would beat you online one of these days and I said, "Now that you said that, Lila is going to wake up at 5:30am instead of 6:30am!" And guess what? That's exactly what you did this morning! You woke up at 5 freakin' 30 in the morning and posted "Good morning!" online at 5:35am. Your teacher and a few of your classmates later commented on and marveled at how early you were up and online!

And as someone who is the very opposite of a morning person and abhors getting up early, I do not understand you. And your current affinity for waking up at the crack of dawn is especially funny considering the fact that when you were in kindergarten, getting you out of bed for school was SO HARD. You would go to bed at 7pm and I'd wake you up at 7am and even after those 12 whole HOURS of sleep, you would groan and resist and keep trying to crawl back into bed. It got to the point where I made you sleep in your school clothes instead of pajamas because it took you sooooo long to get out of bed in the mornings. We are so not there anymore. Now you often wake me up in the mornings and I'm the one groaning about wanting to go back to sleep!
