Saturday, August 27, 2022

My Awesome Girl

Dear Lila,

Your friend Ally lives across the street from us and you both went to the same summer camp this year, so you took the bus together every day. The stop was closer to her house so in the mornings, I would say bye to you from our porch and let you walk across the street by yourself to go to Ally's house and meet up with her before going to the bus stop with her and her mom. Ally's house is close enough that I can see the front door from our porch but it was still the first time I let you go somewhere kind of on your own. And I could tell you felt very grownup crossing the street by yourself!

You are growing up so fast but you have always been mature. You'd think I'd be used to it by now but I still marvel at how considerate and mindful you are for a kid. When we went to Kalahari last weekend, you were soooo good with watching MuiMui in the pools and on the waterslides when I asked you to. You never took your eyes off of her, even though I know you would have preferred to run off on your own and play. When the two of you went down one waterslide together, you had one arm around MuiMui and when you slid into the pool at the bottom, your head actually went under the water but you made sure to hold your sister up above the water. For you to have the wherewithal to hold your sister up even while you slipped under--I was so impressed!

At Kalahari, we also went to the arcade (omg, so many noises! so many flashing lights!) and you impressed me again when we took you kids to the prize store and let you decide how to spend the tickets you had won. You let DiDi spend more tickets so that he could get half a dozen army men figurines while you only kept enough tickets for yourself to buy just one unicorn figurine.

Then yesterday, I took you, DiDi and MuiMui out to dinner. At the end, the waiter brought out three complimentary chocolate chip cookies for you kids. DiDi and MuiMui eagerly grabbed their cookies while you, my sweet girl, picked up your cookie and immediately offered it to me. In fact, if there is a last piece of cake or some other treat, you always ask Daddy and me if we want some before you eat it. You have such a big heart and I am in such awe of you! I am truly blessed to have an amazing daughter like you. I love you so much!


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Hair It Is

Dear Lila,

You have gorgeous, silky, jet-black hair that belongs in a shampoo commercial. I love how soft it feels and apparently you do, too. The other day, we were on a walk and I noticed you walking strangely, with your torso kind of bobbing from side to side as you walked forward. I asked you why you were walking like that and you said you like the way it feels when your ponytail swishes along your back. Haha!
