Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Welcome to Middle School!

Dear Lila,

I blinked and you became an official middle schooler! Today was your fifth day of sixth grade! I know you had your reservations about going to a brand-new school where you didn't know anyone, especially while most of your classmates enrolled in one of the two zoned middle schools in our neighborhood, but so far, you say you like going to Garden! You told me that you like that it's a smaller school that's easy to navigate and that the kids are nice. You also get to go swimming every day until it gets too cold, and I know that is one of the main reasons you wanted to go to Garden, haha!

There are so many firsts for you this year: your first year of middle school, first time taking a bus to and from school (and it picks you up at 7am, yeesh--but at least it literally stops right in front of our house), first time having a watch phone (we text each other every morning after you get on the bus, although you mostly just send me monster emojis), first time having a locker and combination lock, first time having to go to a different classroom for each subject. It must be daunting but you seem to have acclimated very quickly. You are one of the new kids in your grade but there are only about 16 kids in your entire grade so everyone will get to know each other quickly and the students we met at orientation last week were very friendly. I hope you make some wonderful friends! I am so proud of how well you have handled so much uncharted territory. And I am also so proud of you for making it into the honors math class! Only seven kids in your year have high enough grades to put them in honors math and you are one of them! So amazing!

In other news, you didn't expressly ask me to do it but I knew you wanted me to--I "de-unicorned" your wardrobe. You, a girl who has loved and been obsessed with unicorns for as long as I can remember, are officially too grown-up to wear any shirts with sparkly pink unicorns on them. But you do still sleep with your beloved stuffed unicorn Uni every night, so my little Lila is still in there!
