Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Girl Talk

Dear Lila,

In five years, you and I will be talking about what you are learning in kindergarten. In 13 years, you might be telling me about a boy in your class who is so cute and so smart and you like him a lot and maybe he likes you back because he smiled at you during study hall and you want to text him (will people still be texting each other in the future, or will we have discovered a way to transmit messages directly into each other's brains?) but aren't sure if you should because maybe you should wait and not send him the text but just talk to him the next time you see him in the hallway (god, I hope text messaging, Google Talk and such haven't completely taken over in the future and that people still speak to each other face-to-face).

In 16 years, you'll get your driver's license and we'll be discussing how you need to be extremely careful out on the roads because New York drivers are seriously cray-cray. In 20 years, you'll call me to tell me about how your college exams are going and to ask me to mail you a batch of my pumpkin chocolate chip cookies because you have a 20-page paper due and you're going to need my cookies to get through it. And in 30 years, maybe we'll be talking about your own little baby girl.

Of course, I don't know if we'll actually have all or none of these conversations. But I do know that I love the conversations that we have been having recently, now that you are starting to coo and vocalize more. Your parts of our conversations are mostly just "unhs" and "ah-goos" but I find them pretty riveting all the same!


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