Sunday, April 28, 2013

Four-Month Update

Dear Lila,

When I call you my big girl, I'm not just saying that--you had your 4-month check-up today and you are in the 95th percentile for both height and weight. Wow! At this rate, you are going to be bigger than your big brother!

Four months after your debut into this world, you are as chill as ever. You still don't cry very much (except when your brother suddenly screams out of excitement/hyperactivity/anger/boredom and scares you) and continue to be a champion sleeper (you slept so soundly at Daddy's birthday party earlier this month, even though there were people chatting and kids shouting all around you).

As for the ways you've changed, you are becoming quite the chatterbox, cooing and babbling all of the time. You are also a lot more active, whether you are trying to sit up on your own or kicking your feet excitedly in the air. You love wind chimes, sitting in your swing, staring up at the ceiling fan in the dining room, staring at your reflection in the mirror (I don't blame you, since I can look at your adorable face for hours, too!), sucking on your fingers (you suck your fingers so fervently that you actually make really loud slurping noises) and, most of all, smiling and laughing.


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