Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Month 8

Dear Lila,

On the 27th of every month, I take a photo of you to document how much you've grown from month to month but as you get older, these photos are getting harder and harder to take! When you weren't yet mobile, you'd just lie there, look at the camera with your pretty eyes and let me snap photo after photo, no problem. Today's photo session, however, took almost half an hour because you wouldn't sit still and kept trying to eat the "8 Months" sticker on your shirt. I eventually did manage to get this great shot by waving a tissue above the camera:

(notice the drool on your shirt and the slightly chewed-up sticker)

Here are some things about you at 8 months:

-You are one active baby! You squirm around a lot when you're in my lap and are no longer content just lolling around on your back, so you're constantly rolling onto your belly and pushing yourself up to sitting.

-You kick and pump your legs really hard when you get excited, which is very cute.

-You are currently eating and enjoying green foods: peas, zucchini and green beans.

-You love to suck on washcloths that I've dipped in cold water.

-You also enjoy sucking on tissues, napkins, board books and pieces of cardboard. Your brother did, too, when he was a baby. What is that about?

-You like playing with toy cars, probably because you have access to dozens of them from your brother's collection.

-You have started reaching for me when you want me to pick you up, which makes me melt every time.


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