Wednesday, November 27, 2013

11 Months!

Dear Lila,

What? You turned 11 months old today? I can't believe you are almost one year old! You are the happiest, sweetest and cutest little girl. Here are some things about you at 11 months:

-You love it when I hoist you up into the air high above my head and when I dip you down toward the floor, probably because it tickles your stomach. I see you becoming a future roller coaster fan!

-You blow raspberries a lot. It's not very ladylike but it always makes you--and me!--laugh.

-You are wearing size 24 months/2T clothing now.

-You've stood on your own for a few seconds several times.

-I bought you a push walker and you can walk so fast with it! And whenever you use it, you look so happy and proud of yourself, as if you know exactly what a big accomplishment it is.

-You are like Daddy and love to eat! Whenever you see me getting your food ready, you get so excited. Your eyes widen, you sit straight up in your high chair and start saying, "unh unh unh" until I get that first spoonful into your mouth.Currently, you are eating peas, zucchini, green beans, avocados, carrots, butternut squash, yams, bananas, apples, pears, yogurt and lentils.

-When you are not eating food, you are chewing on books. Am I not feeding you enough? You know the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar? It has holes in it from the caterpillar who "chewed" through the food. Well, you chewed your own holes into it. And into Spot Loves His Mommy. And into Hippos Go Berserk!. And into so many more! Yeesh.

-You have a very mischievous smile when I catch you doing something you're not supposed to be doing. Like eating your books.

-Your fourth tooth started coming in this past weekend. So now you'll be even better at eating the books you're not supposed to be eating.

-You smile the biggest smile when you see me coming into the room and that always makes me feel like the most awesome person ever.


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