Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Taking Caution

Dear Lila,

I don't know if it's more of a gender thing or a personality difference, but you are sooo much more cautious than your big brother. As soon as he learned how to walk, Connor was practically racing around the house by the next day. You were more tentative after you took your first steps and it has taken you several months to become really confident when walking on your own. Connor has also loved riding in swings from the get-go, but I put you in a swing for the first time today and you were so scared. There was such a look of terror on your face that I immediately stopped the swing and took you out! And you get reeeeally nervous when you're standing on our backyard deck. There are small slits between the wood boards and there's no way you could fall through them, but I can tell that you don't believe that for a second. You insist on holding onto me when we're on the deck and if I let go of your hand, you don't move at all but hold your arms out at your sides, whimper a little and stare at the deck as if it could collapse at any moment.

I guess it's good that you're so careful, whereas GuhGaw often charges through life and throws all caution to the wind. Maybe that means I won't have to worry about you getting hurt as much as I have to with Connor!


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