Thursday, January 8, 2015

Who Needs A Bed?

Dear Lila,

You have a nice bed. It's big and comfy but I guess it's not big or comfy enough because every night, you insist on sleeping on the floor. You have a foam mat next to your bed but no, you don't even like to sleep on that. You prefer to sleep on the hardwood floor right next to your safety gate. Our nightly bedtime routine goes like this:

-I read a few books to you and GuhGaw
-We give GuhGaw goodnight and hugs and kisses and he goes to his room and gets into bed
-I put on your sleep sack, turn off your light, help you into bed, talk and sing to you for a little bit, say good night and get up to leave your room
-You sit up in bed and say "No! You here" to ask me to stay with you
-When I don't, you say, "Floor," get out of bed, waddle over to your gate and lay down on the floor
-I close your gate, say good night to you again and go downstairs

If I lead you back to bed while you're still awake, you just get up and lay down on the floor again as soon as I leave the room, so now I just wait until you fall asleep and have Daddy carry you to bed when he gets home from work. You've been doing this ever since we switched you to a toddler bed three months ago. For awhile, I laid out a nap mat next to the gate so that you at least fell asleep on the mat but after a couple weeks, you started pushing the mat out of the way and laying on the plain hardwood floor. *scratches my head in befuddlement* Oh well. I guess it's good for your back?

You like to sleep on the floor during nap time, too!


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