Friday, July 31, 2015


Dear Lila,

Since you started talking, you've always been very good about saying please when you want something. That's starting to change, though. We went to Target today and you kept ordering me around, saying things like "no, you go there" and "you buy this." When we were walking down the cereal aisle, you grabbed a box of Lucky Charms off of the shelf and said, "I want this." When I didn't respond, you said, "I want this! Hello! I want this!" Um, demanding much?


Monday, July 27, 2015

Family Outing

Dear Lila,

Daddy and I did it! We went on our first outing with all three of you kids (with PoiPoi's help!) and survived! We took you, GuhGaw and DiDi to Victorian Gardens Amusement Park yesterday and though it was on the hot side, we all had a fun day walking through Central Park, going on the rides (you and Connor especially loved the roller coaster) and playing carnival games. We even ran into our friends Uncle Ray and Aunt Sylvia and their two daughters and hung out with them for awhile.

But the end of the day did not go so smoothly. As we were walking to the garage to pick up our car, we got caught in a huge rainstorm (luckily, we were able to quickly take cover under some scaffolding to wait out the storm, which didn't last long). Then, when we were almost home, I suddenly smelled something really bad. I asked Daddy, "What is that? Why does it smell like manure?" We didn't know the answer until we pulled into our driveway and you held up your hands and said, "Look, Mommy!" Your hands were covered in chocolate! Where did you get chocolate? But wait, it wasn't chocolate--it was poop!!! You had pooped in your car seat, stuck your hands inside your shorts and gotten poop all over your hands. Oh. My. GOD.

The best reaction was GuhGaw's. He had been sleeping next to you in his car seat and woke up as I was getting you out of your seat to clean you up. When you held your poop-covered hands toward him, his eyes widened in disgust, he shouted, "Wah! Don't touch me!!!" and desperately tried to get away from you, which he couldn't really do because he was strapped in.

Oh man, never a dull moment with kids!


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Two and a Half

Dear Lila,

You recently had your 2.5-year checkup and at 39 pounds and 38.5 inches tall, you are in the 97th percentile for both weight and height. So when I say that you are my big girl, you are literally my big girl!

You are growing up so much. You know all of your colors and many of your shapes and are getting better at identifying letters and numbers. You are pretty self-sufficient and can eat, get dressed, wash your hands and brush your teeth all by yourself. Just today, you came home from the playground, took off your sneakers and exclaimed proudly, "I take off shoes myself!"

And as evidenced by that five-word sentence, your language skills are also developing really well. Whether you're asking me, "You want my acahdo [avocado]?" at lunch or requesting that I "stay here lil bit please my room" when I tuck you in at night, your sentences are getting longer, more complex and more articulate [albeit sometimes scrambled in a Yoda-like fashion]. Some of the things you say are pretty funny, too. One night, I asked you if the red bump on your leg was a mosquito bite. You replied, "Mosquito duh duh duh duh duh duh [ominous Jaws tune we hum when we play our shark game] chomp! Bite me!"

As for potty training, you have mostly good days and go several days with no accidents. But then you'll have one day where you have two or three accidents that day. (On those days, do you just decide, "Screw the toilet! I'm a gonna pee wherever!"?) And when you do go in the potty, you make sure that I still acknowledge it. When we first started potty training you, I clapped and cheered every time you went in the toilet. Now that it's been several weeks, I don't always do that and if I don't, you order me, "Clap!" Yes, ma'am!


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Cheeky Imprints

Dear Lila,

Sometimes when you sleep on your stomach, you put your hand under your face, so you wake up with the imprints of your fingers on your cheek. :-)


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Maybe Not

Dear Lila,

Okay, I may have spoken too soon on you being fully potty trained. You went from having zero accidents in six days to having four accidents today. Ugh.


Saturday, July 4, 2015

Potty Trained!

Dear Lila,

I think we can say that you are officially potty trained! Hooray! You've been wearing underwear instead of diapers during the day for three weeks now and you've been completely accident-free for the past six days! You pee and poop on the toilet when we put you on it and ask to go by exclaiming, "Pee pee! Pee pee!" Yesterday, you went shopping with Daddy and me and we were out for eight hours. We didn't want to worry about you having an accident and peeing all over the floor at Crate & Barrel, so we put you in a pull-up diaper but you were so good. You didn't pee in the pull-up during the entire day and asked to go pee three times. We're so proud of you!

Oh, and happy 4th of July!
