Saturday, July 4, 2015

Potty Trained!

Dear Lila,

I think we can say that you are officially potty trained! Hooray! You've been wearing underwear instead of diapers during the day for three weeks now and you've been completely accident-free for the past six days! You pee and poop on the toilet when we put you on it and ask to go by exclaiming, "Pee pee! Pee pee!" Yesterday, you went shopping with Daddy and me and we were out for eight hours. We didn't want to worry about you having an accident and peeing all over the floor at Crate & Barrel, so we put you in a pull-up diaper but you were so good. You didn't pee in the pull-up during the entire day and asked to go pee three times. We're so proud of you!

Oh, and happy 4th of July!


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