Sunday, May 8, 2016

Let Her Eat Cake, Part II

Dear Lila,

Your favorite foods are rice and noodles but you also have a serious sweet tooth like your big brother (and to be honest, your mama). For Mother's Day today, you gave me an adorable bookmark decorated with a flower made out of your fingerprints and the prettiest cherry blossom mousse cake that Daddy picked up from one of my favorite bakeries. I couldn't wait to eat the cake--and neither could you!

I saved it for after dinner but you asked me if we could "Eat cake now?" half a dozen times throughout the day. When I finally unearthed the pristine white container from the refrigerator, you instantly appeared at my side (whoa, did you smell it or something?) and practically dove inside the box when I opened it. I told you I'd take a few bites and give you the rest and while I took those bites, your mouth was pretty near mine as if you were trying to intercept the cake from going into my mouth. And with every bite I took, you asked me, somewhat pleadingly, "My turn now? You save rest for me?" Man, were you happy once I finally handed you the fork-- and I literally only took 3 bites before I forfeited the cake to you!

I love you, my little foodie!


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