Friday, June 24, 2016

Nursery School Grad

Dear Lila,

GuhGaw came down with the incredibly contagious coxsackie virus last week and despite my best efforts to keep you two apart, you do live in the same house after all, so you caught it, too. You developed a fever on Wednesday and had the telltale red sores on your hands and feet yesterday (and impressed me by actually asking for medicine so that you could feel better). Back in December, you missed your winter holiday show (and the chance to meet Santa) because you got sick that week and I was so upset that you might have to miss your nursery school graduation today, too, but no! Thankfully, you woke up this morning feeling better and were able to make it, yay!

You were sooooooo shy when you started school back in September but you have made such leaps since then. Your teachers told me that by the end of the year, you were participating so well in class, singing along during music time and answering questions during activities. You were super soft-spoken, but you did speak! And outside of class, when we were walking to the playground with your friends, I watched as you gradually came out of your shell and became confident enough to not just talk to your buddies but also to their parents.

You absolutely loved going to school this year. In the mornings, you always asked me if you had school that day and you got excited when I said yes and disappointed when I said no. Sometimes when I said no, you tried to trick me and said you did have school! And every time we drove by your school on the weekends, you'd shout excitedly from your car seat, "My cool! My cool!" (You still can't pronounce those s's, haha). I am so happy that your first school experience was such a positive one. You loved all of your teachers, you made several good friends and you learned and grew so much. I am so proud of you, Lilabear!


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