Monday, September 11, 2017

Princess Paramedic

Dear Lila,

We went to the playground after school last Friday and there was a pretty traumatic incident while we were there. A girl your age fell off of the tall jungle gym, hit her head on the ground and laid there completely motionless and unresponsive for several minutes while her mom held her. I called 911, the paramedics came and the girl and her mom got in the ambulance and went to the hospital. I saw the girl's mom at your school today and she told me that the girl is thankfully 100% fine but whew, that was the scariest thing we had ever witnessed at the playground.

The whole thing left an impression on you. After the ambulance drove away, we were sitting on a bench and you told me, "When I grow up, I want to be a helper in an ambulance . . . And a princess."

Helpful and glamorous, I like it!


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