Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A Cut Above

Dear Lila,

You have been able to safely use scissors on your own for a couple years now, so I had no concerns when I left you in your room while you were cutting pictures for your homework to go cook dinner. When I went back to check on you, though, I discovered that you had accidentally cut off a lot of your hair--your bangs had fallen in front of your face and you hadn't noticed that you were cutting them along with the paper. Luckily, you have a lot of hair and the way you cut it isn't even noticeable (I only realized what you had done when I saw all of the strands of hair on your desk).

Then before bedtime, you were cutting more pictures when you decided to lay the paper in your lap and cut it. And that's when you cut two giant slits in your brand-new pajama pants. Ack! Again luckily, you didn't cut your leg but maybe you do need some supervision with the scissors! :-P


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Basic Black

Dear Lila,

We were walking around the neighborhood this afternoon when you suddenly pulled my arm and said to me, "That was a lot of black people." But no, you weren't being racially insensitive! We had just walked past a funeral home and a large group of people, who were actually Caucasian and all dressed in black for a funeral, were standing outside!


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Warm Welcome

Dear Lila,

PoiPoi picked you up from school today and I was waiting for you guys in front of our house. When you were halfway down the block, PoiPoi saw me standing on the sidewalk and pointed me out to you. When you saw me, your face lit up, you shouted "Mamaaaaaaa!" and started running toward me. When you reached me, you jumped into my outstretched arms and gave me a big hug.

Best. Feeling. EVER!


Monday, October 2, 2017

A Thousand Mommies

Dear Lila,

At dinner tonight, you told me that you want me to have 1,000 baby girls. And I told you, "Hahaha! NO."

Then you said, "How about we have 1,000 mommies?" I made a sad face and asked you, "You want other mommies? You don't want just me?" You replied, "If we had 1,000 mommies, they could take care of the other babies and then you could take care of only me." I asked you, "So you just want me all to yourself?" You smiled the biggest smile, tipped your head to the side and said, "Yes."

Day made :-)
