Sunday, April 29, 2018

Way Back When

Dear Lila,

We were playing Barbies together (your favorite activity as of late) and when I was changing Ariel's dress, I noticed that someone had scribbled all over her stomach with a pen. I asked you if you had done that and you replied, "Yeah, I did that when I was a little kid. I didn't know better." Haha! That long time ago when you were just a little kid, huh? Good thing you are so much older and wiser now!


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Trophy Wife

Dear Lila,

You are so sweet and always telling me that you love me the most and that I am your favorite person in the whole world. That makes me feel so great but it makes Daddy feel not-so-great (awww!) and he often pretends to be upset about it. Yesterday, you were drawing and he told you to draw a picture about how you love him more than anyone. You said, "No! I love Mama the most!" Then I teased Daddy and said, "I will always be the favorite! You will never win!" Daddy replied, "You're my wife. I already won!" #smooth


Monday, April 23, 2018

Girl Pride

Dear Lila,

You got your latest math test back today and your grade was 100 percent! Nice! I told you that I'm proud of you and you replied, "I'm proud of me, too." Woo!


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Nighttime Wanderings

Dear Lila,

I checked on you last night before I went to bed, around 11pm, and nearly jumped out of my skin. You were not in your bed but asleep sitting upright in your armchair with your mouth agape. I walked into your dark room expecting to see your sleeping self under your covers but you were sitting there right next to the door. That was definitely a first! You have never sleepwalked (as far as I know) and when I asked you about it this morning, you had no recollection of getting out of bed and plopping down into your armchair. Silly girl! Thank goodness you didn't walk to the top of the stairs!


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Morning Rush

Dear Lila,

I dream that one day, my kids will get up on their own on school days, eat their breakfasts quickly, brush their teeth, put their shoes on and get out the door on time without me having to say every two minutes, "Come ON! Let's GO! You have to go to SCHOOL!"

Today was not that day. You kept pulling your comforter over your head when I was trying to get you out of bed and you sleepily stumbled over to your toy shelf, stood for a minute at your desk and plopped into your armchair for a beat before eventually making it into the bathroom--and you whined the whole way. (You, like your mama, are not a morning person and I get that but how are you so tired in the mornings?! You go to bed at 7:30pm and sleep until 6:30am--that's 11 whole hours, almost half a day!) I went into GuhGaw's room three times to tell him to get dressed and on my third trip back, he had taken his pajama bottoms off but still hadn't put his regular pants on or even taken off his pajama top. Breakfast was also painstakingly slow--both of you took a bite of waffle, goofed around for a few minutes, ate a spoonful of cereal, chattered for a few more minutes. I had to say "Stop talking and eat your breakfast!" so many times that I lost count. I also begged, "Guys, can you please get ready for school without me yelling at you every other minute? All this yelling every day is making me look so old and tired." You replied, "You don't look old. You look like a perfect mama."

Well, if all the yelling has taken years off of my life, that comment definitely added back at least a couple! Thank you, sweetie!


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Rough and Tumble

Dear Lila,

We have a large curved staircase in our house and it's one of the most beautiful features in our house. Visitors always comment on it when they see it for the first time and I remember one of my friends asked if any of you kids had ever fallen down it since it is so large. At the time, the answer was a lucky no. That answer changed today, though, when you were coming downstairs with your water bottle and tumbled almost all the way to the bottom :-(

I was cleaning up dishes in the kitchen when it happened so I didn't see you fall but I heard you fall and the memory of that sound keeps making me chest tighten. All three of you kids have slipped on the stairs at some point but you've only ever slipped down one or two steps before landing on your butt or catching your fall. This time, you told me that you were a quarter of the way down when you lost your footing. I heard a thump on the stairs . . . and then several more thumps followed. I ran to the stairs and you were sitting near the bottom. You said you had hit your head, your arm and your leg and you said they all hurt a lot. And you were wailing in such a way that it made me start to cry. Daddy and GuhGaw were out at the time but DiDi was downstairs and he picked up your water bottle and said, "I got you water bottle!"

I carried you over to the couch and DiDi ran and got the ice pack out of the freezer for you. You were shaken for awhile but there were no visible bumps or bruises. I kept asking you throughout the day if you had a headache or if you felt dizzy or nauseous but you said you were fine. Oh MAN. Thank goodness you didn't get seriously hurt!
