Thursday, October 25, 2018

Kind At Heart

Dear Lila,

When we were walking home from school today, you and DiDi were each eating a snack bag of pretzels. DiDi wasn't paying attention and accidentally spilled his entire bag of pretzels on the ground. As soon as you saw what he did, you immediately offered him pretzels from your bag. You didn't even miss a beat! I am so proud and impressed by your constant thoughtfulness and kindness!


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Mature Matters

Dear Lila,

Things you did today that showed me what a mature and responsible girl you are:

-As soon as you finished your after-school smoothie, you told me, "I'm going to go start my homework now."

-When we were all done eating dinner, you helped me clear the dirty dishes from the table and bring them into the kitchen without me even having to ask you.

-You know what the word "cacophonous" means (and that its antonym is "harmonious"). Daddy didn't even know what cacophonous meant when you used it at dinner tonight (but your English-major mama did ;-) ).

And this didn't happen today but we were talking about your birthday last week and I told you that you are only going to be 5 years old for two more months. And as soon as I said that out loud, it hit me: You are only going to be 5 years old for two more months! I can't believe you will be 6 soon!


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Scent of a Mama

Dear Lila,

You hugged me tonight and I said, "You smell like Corn Chex." (You had snacked on some after dinner.) You replied, "You smell like a great mama." Awww! I hugged you back extra tight for that!


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Give Me An E!

Dear Lila,

Our conversation today:

You: GuhGaw called me the E word!
Me: The E word?
You: Yeah, he said the E word!
Me: Um, what is the E word?
You (whispering): Ee-diot.



Thursday, October 11, 2018

Kiss and Tell

Dear Lila,

Today was notable because you talked about two topics that I'm not ready for you to be talking about yet!

#1. When you were taking a shower after school, you looked down at your chest and stated, "Mama, my boobs are getting bigger. Look! They are starting to come out."

#2. When you were eating your after-school snack, you asked me who my high school friends were. I said I was friends with girls named Claudia, Molly, Aviva, Andrea and Christina. Your eyes lit up and you said, "Claudia like in The Babysitters' Club! And Molly like Molly in Bubble Guppies! And Christina is like Kristy in The Babysitters' Club." Then you asked me who my friends in college were. I said, "Well, Daddy, obviously." That led to you asking about how Daddy and I met and why we started dating. I told you that we lived on the same dorm floor and that we started hanging out. I said Daddy made me laugh and that I liked talking to him and spending time with him. Then a knowing smile spread across your face and you interrupted me to say, "And you liked kissing him?" I laughed and said yes, I did like kissing him. And then I freaked out a little because you asked me about kissing! Gah! Too soon! Too soon!


Monday, October 8, 2018

Funny Faces

Dear Lila,

While I was brushing my teeth tonight, you stood in front of my bathroom mirror squishing your cheeks in and out and making silly faces at yourself in the mirror. Hahaha! I love it!


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Get Shorty

Dear Lila,

Ever since you were a baby, you had only had your hair trimmed an inch or two every several months. You have always had such shiny, silky black hair and I loved seeing it grow so long. You always loved it, too, because your beautiful flowing hair makes you feel like the princesses you adore so much. But your long locks were a pain to detangle in the mornings and wash and blow-dry in the evenings so it was time for a change. We went to the hair salon yesterday and the hairdresser cut off eight inches!



I thought you might get upset after seeing your new 'do but you were fine and said you liked it. I love it! You look so beautiful and so much more mature! We also donated your hair to Locks of Love, so it went to a good cause.
