Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Mature Matters

Dear Lila,

Things you did today that showed me what a mature and responsible girl you are:

-As soon as you finished your after-school smoothie, you told me, "I'm going to go start my homework now."

-When we were all done eating dinner, you helped me clear the dirty dishes from the table and bring them into the kitchen without me even having to ask you.

-You know what the word "cacophonous" means (and that its antonym is "harmonious"). Daddy didn't even know what cacophonous meant when you used it at dinner tonight (but your English-major mama did ;-) ).

And this didn't happen today but we were talking about your birthday last week and I told you that you are only going to be 5 years old for two more months. And as soon as I said that out loud, it hit me: You are only going to be 5 years old for two more months! I can't believe you will be 6 soon!


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