Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Dancing Star

Dear Lila,

You impressed me twice today. First, you totally rocked your school dance performance this morning! You nailed the choreography and looked so energized and exuberant while dancing to "Born This Way." I am constantly amazed by how much your confidence has grown over the years, especially when I look back and remember how afraid you used to be just looking someone in the eyes and speaking to him or her. Even just last year at your kindergarten winter concert, you were so nervous standing on the stage that you kept trying to back up and hide behind the girl standing next to you! But this morning, you were excited to perform in front of an auditorium full of parents and you were so amazing!

Then later in the afternoon when we picked up DiDi from school, you were about to eat the last gingerbread cookie in your snack box. DiDi wanted it, too, though, so you broke it into two pieces. One piece was significantly larger and had an M&M on it while the other piece was smaller and lacked an M&M but you didn't even hesitate before you gave the bigger M&M-adorned piece to your little brother. That made me so proud!


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