Tuesday, January 15, 2019

All Finished

Dear Lila,

You had an eye appointment after school today and Daddy had dinner ready when we finally got home, so you weren't able to start your homework until we finished dinner at 6:30pm. You had spelling, math, grammar, science and reading/reflection (whew, a lot) and at 7:30pm, you had finished everything except the reading and reflection. It was late so I told you to skip the reading and reflection for tonight and I would tell your teacher that you couldn't do it since you came home late from the eye appointment. However, you insisted that you had to finish all of your assigned homework tonight and you were so passionate about it that I let you stay up and do it. You were done by 8pm and I was super proud of you for finishing all of your work and powering through when I know you must have been tired. Good job, sweetie!


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