Thursday, September 17, 2020

Taking Attendance

Dear Lila,

You started online orientation for third grade this week (oh my god, you're in third grade!) and you are still the most dedicated student. Your second grade teacher used to post an attendance question on your Google Classroom stream every morning and you assumed your third grade teacher would do the same so you woke up early yesterday morning, signed onto the classroom . . . and freaked out when you didn't see an attendance question. You came running into my room saying, "Mama! There's no attendance question! She didn't post the attendance question!" I said it was the first day of orientation and your teacher would probably take attendance during the Google Meet call later that morning but you were clearly not convinced because you still look worried. I don't want you to be so anxious but I am proud of you for being so conscientious! I hope you have an amazing school year!


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