Sunday, October 18, 2020

Riding Solo

Dear Lila,

We baked cookies a couple days ago and made so many that we packed some up and brought them to my friend this afternoon. While we were there, my friend asked me how I was and I said everything was good but that I just really miss my alone time; now that we are all home all the time, "me time" is pretty hard to come by. After we left my friend's house, you and I walked around the neighborhood for a bit--stopping to look at Halloween decorations and pick up some treats from a chocolate shop--before heading back to our house. I told you that I wanted to go biking and asked if you wanted to come with me. You politely said, "No, it's kind of hard to keep up with you . . . and I know you want alone time." Thank you for always being so thoughtful, sweetheart! I love you so much for it!


Friday, October 16, 2020

Rock the Vote

Dear Lila,

Your teacher asks you an attendance question every morning and this morning's question was, "What do you wish you were old enough to do?" You said other kids mentioned things like driving a car or getting a Metrocard. I asked you what you had said and you replied, "I said I wished I was old enough to vote." I LOVE that answer! #proudmom
