Sunday, October 18, 2020

Riding Solo

Dear Lila,

We baked cookies a couple days ago and made so many that we packed some up and brought them to my friend this afternoon. While we were there, my friend asked me how I was and I said everything was good but that I just really miss my alone time; now that we are all home all the time, "me time" is pretty hard to come by. After we left my friend's house, you and I walked around the neighborhood for a bit--stopping to look at Halloween decorations and pick up some treats from a chocolate shop--before heading back to our house. I told you that I wanted to go biking and asked if you wanted to come with me. You politely said, "No, it's kind of hard to keep up with you . . . and I know you want alone time." Thank you for always being so thoughtful, sweetheart! I love you so much for it!


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