Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Adult Matters

Dear Lila,

As planned, we went to Dyker Heights tonight to see the over-the-top Christmas lights that the neighborhood is famous for. It was a fun night, plus it was relatively warm out and not crowded, so double score! The funniest highlight of the evening happened on the way home, though, when we were driving through Bensonhurst:

You, looking out the window: Mama! There's an adult toy store! We can go there and get toys for you!
Me: Ohhhhh, uh-huh.
You: We can fill up your whole room with adult toys!**
Daddy: [quietly chuckles in the driver's seat]

**You will understand why this was funny when you're older!


Monday, December 27, 2021

You're Nine Years Old!

Dear Lila,

Sometimes, our hot water tank doesn't work properly and there is no hot water when we turn on the shower. When this happens, whoever is trying to take a shower will call out to Daddy that there's no hot water and he will go to the basement and restart the heater. The other day, you had no hot water for your shower but you knew MuiMui was napping and didn't want to wake her, so you took a cold shower. In the middle of December. Because you are that thoughtful and selfless!

I am in continual awe of your kindness. And your loyalty. And your dedication. And your sense of responsibility. And your maturity. This list goes on and on! You are an amazing daughter, a wonderful sister and as of today, an awesome 9-year-old! Happy birthday, Lilabear!

I always try to make your birthdays as special as possible but finding something fun to do at the freezing cold end-of-December proves to be a yearly challenge. And finding something fun--and safe--to do during a raging global pandemic is an even bigger challenge. This year, we are going to take you to see the crazy Christmas lights displays in Dyker Heights (something cool we've never done, check; something we can do as a family, check; something that is outdoors where we can socially distance, check!) tomorrow night (it was supposed to rain today--but then it didn't) but you are such an easygoing kid and such a loving daughter that you said that you would be happy to just spend time with me at home!

I am so lucky to have you and wish I had more free time to just hang out with you. When I do have that rare afternoon when there's no laundry to do and I don't have to start cooking dinner, I love how excited you get to do something with me, whether it is playing with your Barbie dolls, playing a board game (Life is your favorite), baking a treat (you like to pour the ingredients in the bowl and mix them together) or reading on the couch while cuddled under a blanket. We also go out on occasional mother-daughter walks, which usually end in us getting tacos or bubble tea.

You are such a joy. You still devour books and get so excited about reading new ones. You still love to eat and it's always fun introducing you to new foods and cuisines you've never tried before. You love to sing and dance and we have regular dance parties to our newest obsession, BTS (their music is so good!). You are an amazing sister and take such good care of your siblings that Daddy and I call you "Second Mama" because you are always looking out for them, making sure they have what they need and also putting them into place if they are misbehaving. You love to create art and always make cute drawings for me. You constantly do things to make others happy. You always finish your homework without me having to nag you about it. You make your bed every morning and keep your room clean (which is hard because DiDi and MuiMui are constantly in there making messes with your toys). You help wash the dishes every night. You are understanding when things don't go your way. You make sure we never forget to do our goodnight routine. You are so affectionate and constantly give me hugs and kisses every day. 

I love everything about you and grow prouder of you every day. I love you so much, Lilabear! Happy birthday!


Monday, December 13, 2021

Psychic Power

Dear Lila,

I was joking around and said I could tell the future. You said, "No you can't! You're not figh-sick!" Hahaha! That's how you pronounced psychic!


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Morning Walk

Dear Lila,

Daddy had to leave for a business trip yesterday, which meant that I had to take you and DiDi to school today. I don't drive and your school is 1.7 miles away from our house. It was 40 degrees this morning and we totally could have taken an Uber but I asked you and your brother to try walking to school and you guys were awesome! Not only did you not complain (even though your backpack was heavy with your books, lunchbox and a water bottle) but we made it to school 13 minutes before the doors opened, so you even had time to play on the playground for a little bit. I was worried that you might be too cold during the long walk (it took us exactly 37 minutes) but you actually complained about being hot and wanted to take off your hat and gloves. Thank you for being such a good sport!
