Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Morning Walk

Dear Lila,

Daddy had to leave for a business trip yesterday, which meant that I had to take you and DiDi to school today. I don't drive and your school is 1.7 miles away from our house. It was 40 degrees this morning and we totally could have taken an Uber but I asked you and your brother to try walking to school and you guys were awesome! Not only did you not complain (even though your backpack was heavy with your books, lunchbox and a water bottle) but we made it to school 13 minutes before the doors opened, so you even had time to play on the playground for a little bit. I was worried that you might be too cold during the long walk (it took us exactly 37 minutes) but you actually complained about being hot and wanted to take off your hat and gloves. Thank you for being such a good sport!


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