Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Biking Buddies

Dear Lila,

I am so proud of your dedication and determination. You always work so hard at everything, even if it's really challenging. Yesterday, the two of us went biking together on the Forest Park bike trail. I have ridden it several times but yesterday was the first time I took you with me. There are a lot of steep hills on the trail and you are still relatively new to riding a two-wheeler, plus you have only ridden on flat sidewalks and school playgrounds. I expected that we would have to slow down a lot on the trail while you dismounted your bike and walked it up the big hills but you surprised me--we only had to stop once at the very end where there is a steep hill that even I have to push really hard to get up. Every time we got to a steep section, I looked back at you and you were pushing through it with such focus and determination. And every time we got to the top of the hill, you had such a proud smile on your face. I hope you could see my proud smile, too--you did such an amazing job on the trail and I am so excited that riding on it together is something we can do more of now!


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