Friday, October 8, 2021

Mature Matters

Dear Lila,

You are only 8 years old, which is crazy, because you are already so mature. For one, you are incredibly responsible for an 8-year-old. You always complete your homework and your chores without anyone ever having to remind you to complete them. You know the rules and routines and always follow them. You have spent hours watching MuiMui for me without ever complaining or taking your eyes off of her. When your brothers are doing something they are not supposed to, you call them on it or tell me if they don't stop. 

Second, your emotional intelligence is higher than many adults I have encountered. You are so perceptive of people's feelings and you always try to make others feel better. I happened to run into your pre-k teacher last week and she told me that whenever a kid in your class was crying about something, other kids would ignore or avoid the upset child but you always went over and tried to give the kid a toy or pat him/her on the arm. And you were just 3 years old back then! And you are just as thoughtful and considerate now, always asking if I'm okay or need help with anything. If I have had a rough day, you hug me and say you hope tomorrow will be better.

You have always acted so grown-up for your age and now you are doing so many grown-up things. You help wash the dishes every day. You pour milk for your brothers. You bring the dinner plates to the table. You pick up MuiMui and carry her around. You asked if you could spend your own money, so I gave you $30 from your piggy bank, took you to Target and let you buy whatever you wanted. You painstakingly looked through the book and toy sections before settling on two graphic novels for you and a board book for MuiMui's upcoming birthday. Later that day, we went to a coffee shop where you felt even more like an adult when you went up to the counter to order and pay for our drinks by yourself (you ordered a babyccino, a cappuccino sans coffee--how cute!). And today, I took you to a salon where you got your first "big girl" haircut--this was your first haircut in a salon that didn't have chairs shaped like airplanes and shelves full of toys for sale!

And now you're also asking to get your ear pierced! What happened to my baby Lilabear?!


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