Monday, May 15, 2023

Questions & Answers

Dear Lila,

I asked you some questions for fun and here are your answers:

How old am I? 42.
What is my favorite color? Purple.
What is my job? Mama.
What do I cook the best? Mushroom pasta.
What do you like to do with me? Everything.
Why do you love me? Because you're special.
What is something I say a lot? Clean up your room.
What makes me happy? Us not fighting.
What makes me sad? GuhGaw.
How tall am I? You're shorter than me.
What am I really good at? Baking.
What is my favorite thing to do? Watch TV in peace.
What is my favorite food? Fish tacos.
What is my favorite drink? Water, because you drink so much of it.
If I could go anywhere, where would I go? Japan.
How do I annoy you? You make me do things I don't want to do, like go to Mathnasium.
What is my favorite TV show? Cooking shows.
What is my favorite music to listen to? Pop.
How much do you love me? A lot.


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