Monday, October 9, 2023

Happy Camper

Dear Lila,

Every year at your school, the 5th and 6th graders go on a trip to Camp Herrlich in Putnam County. The kids do outdoorsy activities like go on hikes, study plants and soil, examine creatures that live in the pond and learn survival skills (how to build an outdoor shelter, what to do if someone breaks a bone, etc.). It's a fun, educational trip . . . and it's overnight. Three days and two nights, actually. And before the trip, you had never been away from home for more than a night, when you'd done sleepovers at friends' houses, where I am friends with the parents and you weren't that far away. So letting you go on this overnight trip was a big step for the both of us! And it was kind of sudden for me. Your school emailed the permission slip two weeks before the trip and I barely had time to process the details before I had to turn in the slip. I wasn't sure I was ready but you said that most of your classmates were going and I didn't want you to miss out, so off to Putnam County you went!

I was unexpectedly emotional watching you pack your clothes and toiletries the night before the trip. As you placed items in your duffel bag, you suddenly seemed so big and my mind flash-forwarded to when you will be packing for college. Eeek! The next morning, I watched you from the living window as you carried your overstuffed bag to the bus--and then promptly fell forward because the bag was so heavy. Oh my god! You actually ripped your pants and scraped your knees but luckily, that was the worst injury you sustained over the next three days--even when you and your classmates went on a somewhat scary nighttime hike with no lighting!

While you were away, I constantly checked your tracker location and anxiously awaited texts and calls from you. It was weird not having you at home for so many nights and things definitely felt off. But I'm glad you went on the trip and glad that you had such an amazing time! You enjoyed all of the activities (except touching the slimy fish in the pond), loved the surprisingly good camp food (they made bacon for breakfast, which you were very excited about because I never cook bacon for you at home!) and had so much fun staying up late and bonding with the girls in your bunk. What a great first school trip!


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