Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Feeling Green

Dear Lila,

Let the record show that you asked for broccoli tonight!

I love veggies and I want you kids to eat lots of them. Most of the meals I cook are vegetarian and I always make green smoothies with kale, spinach and carrots. This week, though, Daddy forgot to get broccoli when he went grocery shopping and I already used up the boxes of kale and spinach, so there were no fresh vegetables to cook along with my curry chicken and roasted potatoes tonight. We did have smoothies, so at least there were veggies in those, but when we sat down to dinner and there was nothing green on your plate, you asked incredulously, "No broccoli??" And the meal felt so off for you that you actually ate a small bowl of olives and pickles with your dinner because your brain must have been telling you that you must eat something green. Hahaha, success! I have trained you well!


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