Friday, December 27, 2013

You're One Year Old!

Dear Lila,

Happy birthday, sweetheart! I honestly can't believe that an entire year has gone by since you came into this world. I feel like it's only been a few months since we first met but you are already 1 year old, crawling and cruising everywhere, babbling constantly and doing big-girl things like initiating games of peekaboo with me, poring through books, showing off your fine motor skills by picking up toy coins and putting them in your piggy bank and helping me clean your high chair tray by wiping it with a napkin after you eat. It has been amazing to witness all of your firsts this past year and I can't wait to see what else you have in store. 

I always wanted to have a little girl and you are everything I wished for and then some! I love how you always greet me with your beautiful smile when I go into your room in the morning, how you shriek with delight when I chase you across the living room floor and how you smile and excitedly throw your hands up in the air when you realize that it's time for you to eat. I love that you are so interested in books (for reading and not just using as chew toys) and that you bounce up and down and dance whenever you hear a good song. It's so cute that you now wave whenever someone says "bye," that you can (kind of) blow kisses and that ripping up tissues and napkins can provide so much entertainment for you. I love your sweet little giggles when I tickle you, the way you always crawl into my lap when I sit down on the floor near you and how you lay your head on my shoulder and pat my back when you hug me. I am so happy and blessed because every day, I get to wake up and be your mama. I love you so very much.

By the way, we spent your first birthday at an indoor water park, which, as birthday festivities go, is a pretty awesome way to celebrate the big day!


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

First Christmas

Dear Lila,

Merry Christmas, Lila! I hope you enjoyed your first Christmas--and didn't mind too much that your brother kept playing with your new presents instead of his own!


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Baby Squat

Dear Lila,

Today, you stood on your own and then squatted down to a sitting position for the very first time. Whoa!


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Birthday Party!

Dear Lila,

Your first birthday is still 12 days away but because it's so close to Christmas and people may be away for the holiday, we had your birthday party today at Gymboree (I don't think you minded celebrating early). Since you are my little Lilabear, we had a bear theme for the party, complete with bear-adorned signs, banners, confetti and cupcakes and even a bear-shaped birthday cake!

(I made the bear cake and cupcakes for you but I ordered the cookies and all of the decorations from Etsy because I had to sleep at some point!)

You looked adorable in your pretty party dress and you had so much fun crawling around the gym and playing with the toys. And when it came time to choose your future career, you went with a very noble one!

Happy early birthday, Dr. Lila!


Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Layered Look

Dear Lila,

I had to take you and your brother out today and the three of us left the house in a combined total of 12 layers of clothing. I hate winter.
