Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Girly Rain Gear

Dear Lila,

It always seems to rain on Tuesdays when you have your Moms & Tots class. It either rains before class as we're walking there, during class so that you can't go outside to the playground or after class, when we're on our way to pick up GuhGaw from school. Today was no exception. The weather report said it wasn't going to rain until after 6pm but--big surprise--the weather report was wrong and it started storming after class while you and I were getting lunch at a nearby Japanese market. 

Luckily, I had the rain cover for your stroller. Unluckily, I did not have an umbrella for myself. So I bought the only one they had available at the Japanese market. And that is why I had to walk through our neighborhood and show up at GuhGaw's school holding a ruffly, neon pink Hello Kitty umbrella. Oye.


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