Friday, October 3, 2014

Potty Time!

Dear Lila,

You peed in the potty today! After we dropped GuhGaw off at school this morning, we took a leisurely walk around our neighborhood (I like the days when we don't have to rush to a class and can play things by ear), stopping to admire flowers, listen to a blue jay's melodic bird call and climb up hilly lawns. When we went back home, I sat you on the potty as I have been doing occasionally but several minutes passed and you didn't go, so I carried you to the changing table. You started protesting when I tried to lay you down on the table, though, and actually cried out, "Pee pee!" so I took you back to the potty. And then you peed in it! It was the very first time you peed in the potty and you acted as if it was no big deal--that is, until I started acting like it was a big deal (because it was!) and began clapping and cheering for you. Then you smiled a big smile and looked very proud.


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