Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Daddy's Little Girl (Not)

Dear Lila,

Man, you are still being so cold toward Daddy. Last week, he was away for three days for a business trip and when he came back, he knelt down and held his arms out toward you for a hug. You ran toward him . . . and then right around him to get to me. The other night, he was going to read to you while I took a shower. When I came out of the shower, you weren't reading with Daddy in your room but sitting outside of the bathroom door. Daddy said that you had refused to read with him and had been sitting outside the bathroom waiting for me, like a little puppy, the whole time I'd been in there.

One night, Daddy and I were hugging. You did not like this because you ran over to us, grabbed me and said, "No, mine!" And then last night, you and I were cuddling in bed. When Daddy climbed into bed next to us, you tried to push him away and told him angrily, "Go!" When I got out of bed to get some water, you started crying and reaching for me, as if I was leaving you with a stranger forever and not your father. Seriously, you're breaking his heart!


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