Saturday, February 28, 2015

February Milestones

Dear Lila,

Some things you did this month:

-You continued to impress me with your impeccable manners. You say "cue me" (excuse me) when you cough and always, always say "peas" (please): "More peas," "Peas that," "Me, peas," "Lap peas."

-You learned to put together a lot of three-word phrases and correctly identify dozens of objects, letters, numbers and colors.

-You grew into size 5T clothing (the same size GuhGaw currently wears!) and size 9 shoes. At this rate, your older brother will be wearing your hand-me-downs!

-Your favorite books are Moo Baa La La La and Ten Little Ladybugs, so you asked me to read them to you every night at bedtime and recited Moo Baa La La La along with me.

-Your favorite bedtime songs are "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and you asked for those every night at bedtime, too. You requested the latter by saying, "How I," as in "How I wonder what you are."

-You probably broke the record for runniest nose ever. You went through several boxes of tissues this month and I seriously could not keep up with your snot; as soon as I wiped your nose and threw the tissue in the trash, I'd turn around to find more boogers streaming out of your nostrils. Oh, and your snotty kisses all over my face when I was least expecting them--yum! (*gag*)

-You learned how to count to 15 in English and to 10 in Chinese! Nice!


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