Thursday, April 16, 2015

Mama Here

Dear Lila,

So much cuteness!

-When you are excited about something, you exclaim, "Yeah-hoo!"

-I was eating a piece of string cheese and you wanted some, so I shared it with you. When you ate all of it, I said, "Aww, no more for me." You immediately opened your mouth and started to take out a piece of chewed-up cheese so that you could give it to me. Haha, thanks but no thanks!

-After I got you out of bed yesterday morning and changed your diaper, I asked you if you were ready to go downstairs and get some milk. You looked down at your pajamas--which I had forgotten to change you out of--raised your hands up questioningly and said, "No change me!"

-When you were getting ready to go to the playground with your scooter yesterday morning, you kept asking for knee pads. I told you that I had ordered them and that they would be arriving later in the day. When you came home with your nanny a couple hours later, there was an Amazon package sitting on the front steps. You carried it into the house while shouting, "Knee pads! Knee pads!" It's so adorable how you remembered that your knee pads were arriving and instantly knew they were inside the package!

-We were reading one of your books today and there was a page about baby spiders. You said to the photo of the spiders, "Ew. Go away, spi. No like you."

-You love pretending to be a mommy. One of your favorite things to do is wrap your baby dolls up in blankets, rock them, pretend to feed them and push them around in your doll stroller. You also like to pretend that I'm your baby, so you tell me to lay down and then lay a blanket on top of me, pat my cheeks and say to me, "Mama here. Mama here."


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