Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sup What?

Dear Lila,

You made me smile today when you were so sweet toward your brother. While I was putting GuhGaw to bed, you ran into his room, climbed into his bed, gave him a hug and a kiss and said, "Goo nigh, GuhGaw."

You made me happy today when I put you to bed and you told me, "Luf you."

You made me proud today when you wouldn't give up. You put on your lion backpack and attempted to clasp the buckles together. They're a little difficult for a toddler to close and you were struggling with them quite a bit--so much so that your whole body was shaking--but refused to let Daddy or me help you when we offered to close them for you. Instead, you kept working at them and really impressed us when you eventually buckled the buckles all by yourself!

You made me feel sorry for you today when you came up to me looking so sad and told me softly, "Daddy yell me." (Oddly, Daddy said he hadn't yelled at you, so I'm not sure what you were talking about.)

You made me laugh today when we were counting in Chinese and every time you said sup yut (Chinese for 11), it sounded as if you were saying, "Shut up." Ha!


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