Friday, May 29, 2015

Strong Girl

Dear Lila,

This morning, you carried a full 32-ounce bottle of water up the stairs all by yourself (PoiPoi had asked you to take it upstairs to me) and when I commented on how strong you are, you flexed and showed me your muscles.

Later in the afternoon, I had fallen asleep and woke up to the sound of someone giggling. When I opened my eyes, you were peeking at me from behind a pillow on my bed and laughing your adorable little laugh. What a nice way to wake up!


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Who Dat?

Dear Lila,

So cute: You're becoming much more curious and constantly asking me, "Why?" and "Who dat?" about things you see or hear. Also, if you ask me for something and I say no, you squeeze your eyes shut and beg, "Pleeeeeeeeeease!"

Not so cute: You walked into my room at 6:30am this morning and woke me up by smacking the mattress next to my face several times. Well, at least you didn't smack me *on* my face!


Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Dear Lila,

This morning, I put on a purple summer dress. GuhGaw said I looked beautiful and you called me "Cindalella" and wanted to dance with me. Not a bad way to start the day!

Today's other happenings: I was upstairs and PoiPoi was cooking dinner, so neither of us saw you when you took a blue marker and scribbled ALL over your arms, legs, feet and even your tummy! Yeah, so that's why you don't leave a toddler alone with markers!

And then at dinner, you continued to amaze me with your love of vegetables when you only ate your Chinese broccoli and proclaimed, "LOVE choy choy [Chinese for vegetables]."


Monday, May 25, 2015

My Girl

Dear Lila,

I haven't really done anything to encourage it, but you are still a total girly girl. When I am in the bathroom putting on makeup, you like to sit behind me on the step stool and mimic me. When you see me put on earrings and a necklace, you ask for them, too, by saying, "Me, too!" The UPS delivery person rang our doorbell one day and the package was a new pair of sandals I had ordered for you. The next day, we received another package that wasn't for you but when you heard the doorbell ring, your eyes widened, you jumped up and started shouting, "New shoes! New shoes! New shoes!"

This morning, PoiPoi dressed you in a new summer dress and you came into my room and announced with your arms stretched out at your sides, "Ta-da! Dress!" :)


Monday, May 11, 2015

Mommy Cuddle

Dear Lila,

This morning, you came into my room while I was still in bed and asked so sweetly, "Mommy, cuddle?"

Of course!


Friday, May 8, 2015


Dear Lila,

I usually lay out your outfits the night before, but I forgot to last night and Daddy dressed you this morning. When you came into my room, you were wearing a grape-colored purple dress over a blue flowered skirt. I thought to myself, "Um, okay. This is why I pick out your outfits instead of letting your dad do it."

It turns out, though, that *you* had picked out that interesting ensemble. After Daddy changed your diaper this morning, he told you to go into your room and get your clothes. Since there were no clothes set out on your rocking chair, you pulled open your drawer and took out what you wanted to wear. You brought the dress and skirt to Daddy, who thought to himself, "Um, okay. Your mom picked out a weird outfit for today."

